In Person • $320-$450 DDX San Diego – UX & Innovation Conference 9:45am-6pm DDX Conference + FreshForm
En persona - GRATIS Friendly Playdate for All Ages with Erin the Caterpillar 10am-1pm Friendly Futures
Virtual - GRATUITO Desvelando los secretos de la pertenencia: Mesa redonda y taller de creación de comunidades 11am-12:30pm Rah Chalfant
En persona - GRATIS One Region One Common Future / Una Región Un Futuro Común Presentación de proyectos de impact /Impact project presentation 12pm-2pm Planning and Placemaking Design to Action Network
En persona - 25 A Multi-Sensory Experience, Exploring the Ways in Which Our Connection to Art Creates Belonging 6pm-8pm Artist Gabriela Domville
En persona - GRATIS World Design Experience Opening Celebration 6pm-9pm World Design Capital San Diego Tijuana 2024
Híbrido - GRATIS Building Bridges: A Cross-Border Construction Worker Training Workshop 10.00-12.00 h. Arroyo Solís Agraz Architects- Rosa Agraz (partner)
En persona - GRATIS Dual Exhibition: Arqueología en Tránsito (Archeology in Transit) / Emociones Migrantes (Migrant Emotions) 11am-4pm Escuela de Arquitectura, Arte y Diseño del Tec de Monterrey
En persona - GRATIS Fostering Inclusion: Insights from ResMed’s Leaders on Innovation, Patient Care, and Belonging 11:30am-12:15pm ResMed
Virtual - GRATUITO Let’s Co-Design Together – Design Playbook (Virtual) 12pm-1pm UC San Diego Design Lab in partnership with The Design Academy and CETYS University
En persona - GRATIS NEED.WANT.LOVE: A Dialogue about Humans + Climate Change 1pm-2pm Point Loma Nazarene University | Department of Art + Design | Courtney Mayer, Professor, Graphic Design
En persona - GRATIS Design Circularity: Sustainable Futures Through Design Innovation 2pm-3:30pm Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA)
En persona - GRATIS Ministerio Transexual – Nobody is Sick Here / Aquí nadie está enfermo – Exhibition & Open Mic in Tijuana 17.00-19.00 h Ministerio Transexual
En persona Being & Belonging: Exploring Identity and Community Connections through Conversations with Trees 9am-12pm Peter Kwok Chan, Associate Professor, Department of Design, The Ohio State University | Uday Dandavate, Co-founder and CEO, SonicRim |...
En persona - GRATIS Design for Clean Water: Stormwater Pollution Challenge De 9.00 a 13.00 horas Project Clean Water, I Love A Clean San Diego and Ann Berchtold, MIG
En persona - GRATIS Brush & Letter: Painting With Words 10.00-12.00 h. AIGA San Diego Tijuana - LINK Program
En persona - GRATIS Fox Point Farms: Breaking the Mold of Community-Building Various times Schmidt Design Group (JT Barr) y Nolen Communities (Brian Grover)
En persona - GRATIS Bay to Park Paseo Walking Experience 10:30am-12:30pm Pete Garcia and Beth Callender of URBAN INTERVENTIONS and E. Chloe Lauer
En persona - GRATIS Dual Exhibition: Arqueología en Tránsito (Archeology in Transit) / Emociones Migrantes (Migrant Emotions) 11am-4pm Escuela de Arquitectura, Arte y Diseño del Tec de Monterrey
Híbrido - GRATIS Designing for Inclusion: Civic Solutions for All 1pm-3pm SDXD: San Diego Experience Design
En persona Interwoven Identity: Exploring Belonging Through Textile Art 1pm-3pm Visions Museum of Textile Art
En persona - GRATIS Tijuana River Action Month: Connecting Communities Through Science 14.00-16.00 h 4 Walls International
En persona - GRATIS My Creative Journey/Mi Viaje Creativo: Final Exhibition by Oscar Romo 3pm-7pm San Diego Made Factory
En persona Taco Stand Vernacular - Charla artística y excursión. 5:30pm-8pm Marshall Williams, Fotógrafo
En persona - GRATIS Cast: Pourfard and Upton at SOTA 6pm-10pm Nicholas Pourfard and Michael Upton at SOTA
En persona - GRATIS JC. Architecture & Design: How To Translate BELONGING Into Design? 10.00-12.00 h. Johnny Chiu
En persona - GRATIS Dual Exhibition: Arqueología en Tránsito (Archeology in Transit) / Emociones Migrantes (Migrant Emotions) 11am-4pm Escuela de Arquitectura, Arte y Diseño del Tec de Monterrey
In Person • $40 Finding Our Place in a Circular Economy Various times JG Color Studios, Humble Design
En persona - GRATIS Belonging by Design: Inclusive Innovation 14.00-16.00 h UNIVERSIDAD DE MONTERREY (UDEM)
En persona - GRATIS Breaking Barriers of Mobility & Access to Include Women in Civic Tech 10am-11am Code for Pakistan | Tech for Change
Virtual - GRATUITO Virtual Workshop: Your Story of Belonging 10.00-12.00 h. Global Executive Alumni, Parsons School of Design
En persona - GRATIS Resultados basados en datos para equipos multifuncionales 4pm-6pm Michael Vargas - Liderar con impacto
En persona Living-Centered Design Workshop: Healthy Shelters for the Homeless 5pm-7:30pm CannonDesign + UCSD Design Lab
En persona - GRATIS Ampliando la Juventud en el Diseño: Las Girl Scouts causan impacto 5:30pm-7pm Girl Scouts de San Diego Tropa 4940
En persona Women’s Design Networks: San Diego 5:30pm-7:30pm Arzu Ozkal, The Mingei International Museum
Híbrido - GRATIS Common•unity | Creating Common Spaces into Community Places Various times L’Anima, sole host, in collaboration with the City of San Diego
En persona - GRATIS Nested Sense of Belonging in UC San Diego Student Housing 10am-11:30am Mathew Chaney (EYRC Architects) + Jeff Larsen (HKS Architects)
Híbrido - GRATIS Neuro-Architecture | Neuroscience of Belonging in the Built Environment 11am-12pm Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture
En persona - GRATIS Breaking Barriers of Mobility & Access to Include Women in Civic Tech 1pm-2pm Code for Pakistan | Tech for Change
Híbrido - GRATIS Inclusión radical: diseño para personas que viven con diabetes 1pm-4pm Tandem Diabetes Care
En persona - GRATIS The invisible -ism: Disrupting ageism in design 4pm-5pm Lisa Rill, PhD / Partner, Researcher, and Content Designer at Rill Insights & Executive Director at Senior Life Source
En persona - GRATIS Let’s Co-Design Together – Design Playbook (In Person) 5:30pm-7pm UC San Diego Design Lab in partnership with The Design Academy and CETYS University
Híbrido - GRATIS The Art of Co-Creation: Harnessing Collective Intelligence 7:30pm-8pm Bryan Rill, PhD
En persona - GRATIS Belonging in San Diego: How design contributes to our shared future 10.00-12.00 h. The Othering and Belonging Institute at UC Berkeley & Ashley Gallegos
En persona - GRATIS Chromatic Expressions: Exploring Color’s Influence on Design 10am-11:30am Color Heal Studios
En persona - GRATIS Empowering Creativity and Inclusion: HCD Design Toolkit 10am-1pm UNIVERSIDAD DE MONTERREY (UDEM)
Híbrido - GRATIS Fostering Community Connection Through Immersive Program Design 3pm-6pm Lambda Archives of San Diego | Murphy Hernandez
En persona Speed Mentoring & AMA (Ask-me-anything): Emerging & Established Designers, Architects, Researchers 17.00-19.00 h Seda Evis