Neuro-Architecture | Neuroscience of Belonging in the Built Environment

Neuro-Architecture | Neuroscience of Belonging in the Built Environment

Panel discussion from Kurt Hunker, President, Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture (ANFA), Kristine Mun, PhD, and more from the ANFA community

About the Host

Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture

The mission of the Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture is to promote and advance knowledge that links neuroscience research to a growing understanding of human responses to the built environment. The Academy benefits from the expanding body of research that has evolved within the neuroscience community in the last two decades, and the promise of even more in the coming century. All humanity stands to benefit from this research in countless ways still to be determined. The profession of architecture has become a partner in developing the application of this knowledge base in order to increase its ability to be of service to society.

Dr. Kristine Mun is a registered architect (The Netherlands), researcher, and professor of architecture. She serves on the Board and Executive Committee of ANFA (Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture). Her design practice spans from scientific research to large-scale projects, including an award-winning 600,000 sf hospital in Italy. As Director of SensoryArchitecture(s), she explores the intersection of architecture, technology, and the human body, focusing on sensory-adaptive systems and empathic architecture. Her work involves creating sensor-based interactive environments and integrating analog and digital fabrication technologies. Based in Los Angeles, she continues to advance architectural education and practice globally and is currently working on a film series on Neuroscience for Architecture.