Design Exhibition Design for Clean Water: Stormwater Pollution Challenge

Design Exhibition Design for Clean Water: Stormwater Pollution Challenge

Project Clean Water and I Love A Clean San Diego have announce the “Design for Clean Water: Stormwater Pollution Challenge,” a design competition that invites teams to propose innovative and sustainable solutions to mitigate stormwater pollution and improve water quality in San Diego. The competition will provide $2,000 microgrants, presented by BluPeak Credit Union, to up to five teams to develop and prototype their ideas. The projects will then be featured during San Diego Design Week (September 18-25) and at I Love A Clean San Diego’s Coastal Cleanup Day events (September 21) across the county, showcasing their creative solutions to a wider audience and making a meaningful impact on the community.

“Stormwater pollution poses a significant threat to San Diego’s waterways, harming wildlife and human health,” said Ruth de la Rosa of Project Clean Water. “Designers have a unique opportunity to tackle this complex issue by applying their creative problem-solving skills and innovative thinking. By leveraging design principles and collaborative approaches, designers can develop effective and sustainable solutions that address the root causes of stormwater pollution, making a tangible impact on the environment and community.”

The competition is open to design teams consisting of students, professionals, and community members, and teams are encouraged to include at least one member with a background in environmental science, engineering, or a related field. The objectives of the competition include developing innovative solutions to reduce stormwater pollution, enhancing public awareness and engagement in water quality issues, and fostering a binational collaborative environment for creative problem-solving.

Go to – to find the locations for design exhibitions.


Grant Winners

“ReFashion the Future: An Upcycled Fashion Show to Combat Stormwater Pollution” by Chris Carson

In the heart of San Diego, a revolutionary fashion show is set to take the stage, challenging the status quo of the fashion industry’s environmental impact. “ReFashion the Future” is an upcycled fashion show that showcases the creative potential of transforming discarded textiles into stunning, one-of-a-kind garments. By highlighting the connection between textile waste, microplastics, and stormwater pollution, this project aims to raise awareness and promote sustainable practices. With an interactive workshop and “before-and-after” gallery, attendees will experience the transformative power of upcycling, inspiring a movement towards a more sustainable future.

“Nature’s Design: Trees & Stormwater Mitigation” by Elektra Fike-Data / Tree San Diego

In the midst of San Diego’s urban landscape, a certified arborist will lead an educational tree planting and stormwater mitigation demonstration, revealing the harmonious relationship between nature and the built environment. “Nature’s Design” showcases the benefits of integrating urban greening solutions, including stormwater mitigation, runoff reduction, erosion control, and particulate matter capture. By empowering audiences with knowledge and best practices, this project fosters a deeper appreciation for the role of trees in maintaining a healthy environment.

La Eco-Resistencia / The Eco-Resistance: A Sound Art and Multimedia Exploration of Stormwater Pollution” by Francisco Eme

“The Resistance of Echo & La Eco-Resistencia” explores the delicate balance of San Diego’s urban ecosystems, where stormwater runoff threatens the flora and fauna documented by Francisco Eme. Inspired by his eco-resistance efforts in a suburban canyon, Eme uses photography, video, audio, and collected artifacts to showcase the impact of urbanization on natural spaces. The exhibition blends art with environmental science, raising awareness of the consequences of polluted stormwater on native species. It also incorporates Mexican crafts and local myths, connecting the scientific with the spiritual in an evolving multimedia project. 

A Spoken Word Ode to Water” by Gill Sotu

In the serene setting of Liberty Station, where the land meets the sea, the power of spoken word will merge with the essence of water in a poignant performance titled “Have you ever seen water cry” This piece, crafted by the talented Gill Sotu, is set to echo through the hearts of those gathered for the Coastal Cleanup Event. Through his lyrical verses, Sotu personifies water, inviting listeners to reflect on its silent struggles and unspoken emotions. He challenges the audience to consider the unseen tears of water, a life force often taken for granted and exploited. With vivid imagery, the spoken word performance delves into the relationship between humanity and water, exploring themes of neglect, pollution, and the urgent need for stewardship. 


About the Host

Project Clean Water, I Love A Clean San Diego and Ann Berchtold, MIG

The Design for Clean Water competition encourages innovative thinking and community involvement to tackle the pressing issue of stormwater pollution, aiming to create a healthier and more sustainable environment for San Diego.